you SAIL, ocean scone
the waves sing you wilde nothinges
cloud capped obelisks and glistening domes swallowed by the sunset
spiritual catharsis, nautical cream, spokes on the wheel of the world-dream
ivy and beetles, commoner’s crown
twei cubits and an ellwand from chocolate town
cyber-pussy™ pulp overlordZ & neo-peace hellbombs dot com
bigtime bugmen in concrete cubes, sausage fingered blobs slapping tippy tappers
mad online in digital rectangles
already dead.
you SOAR, free willy

cecil the dread pirate ere, used 2 be a sailor i did. turn’d in 2 a clown on account o’ the ponce’s curse… arrr. on account o the ponce’s currrse.
shiver me timbers i says, like orcs on thorazine, piccadilly zoo crew! twas a badarse curse. stole the ponce’s gold we did. twas a sick curse, absolutely twisted! arrr.
food turned 2 mush in me gob, wine turn’d 2 water [and the ale turn’d 2 wine..] then pirate turn’d 2 clown. get out o chocolate town savvy n swim down
and down
be mindful of the ponce’s curse, lads. arr, and ēala ēarendel

i am free 🤪
no you’re not, spaceman
yes i am. i love being free!
free from what? to be what?
i don’t know but i love freedom! watch me float!
i’m a beast dancing out my dna!
what is freedom to a worm?
anyone can be free! everyone should be free!
i am bacteria, droning the world for rights & justice!
no you’re not, mate.
but those chubby people on the viddy screen said so!
spaceman, you are a simpleton.
you see some rump-fed ronyon (wears glasses, talks funny, says a few scientific words) and you’re convinced they’re “really smart”
go home before it’s too late.

the helpful tyrannosaur.
are you insecure? are you a loser? useless? good for nothing? should you feel bad about yourself?
who cares if you’re not useful? so what if you’re a loser? ascetics & yogis are voluntarily poor & just as useless; the difference is they are totally happy. so why not ask a better question like: how are they able to achieve that?
they located the centre of value within themselves. wait just a cotton pickin minute & ask yourself this: why do i want to have value to others?
bet you don’t have a clue. it’s because you empathise with them, you want others to feel good. many people have this intuition but forget to apply it to themselves.
you are valuable in yourself in the same sense that you would want someone else to be happy.
you are as valuable as other people, you have intrinsic value.
kant’s categorical imperative turns out to be right. forgive others’ shortcomings and forgive yourself for what you’re not able to do.
i’ve been alfred quimby, the helpful tyrannosaur.
peace out, bitcj

now piss off, it’s my birthday.

mæg ic be me sylfum
soðgied wrecan,
siþas secgan,
hu ic geswincdagum
oft þrowade,
hungor innan slat
merewerges mod.
atomic, in terms of deed & wylle,
reality de-ontologised,
reduced to mere stuff on which the will acts in terms of deed
atomic epistemology, the perception of truth as ideology imposed on reality
atomic youth is a world, a [the] real world